In-Office Procedures

In-Office Procedures

What Benefits Can a Man Have from the P-Shot®?

  • Stronger, firmer erections
  • Easier to achieve and maintain erections (i.e., improved sexual stamina)
  • Increased penile length and girth
  • Improvement in or resolution of penile curvature from Peyronie’s Disease
  • Resolution of penile pain with erection
  • Increased sensitivity in the penis
  • Better overall blood flow to the penis

How Does the P-Shot® Work?

The growth factors & proteins released by the high concentration of platelets in PRP in turn activate stems cells and stimulate cellular repair and regeneration wherever they are applied in the body. In addition, collagen production and the formation of new blood vessels occurs and further aids in tissue repair.

How Is PRP for the P-Shot® Acquired?

A small amount of blood is drawn in the office at the time of the procedure. Your blood is then spun in a specially designed centrifuge which separates the platelets and plasma from the rest of the blood. The platelets are isolated and then injected back into the body wherever their benefits are needed. Along with numbing cream on the skin, a block is performed on the penis, so there is no pain.


Phosphatidylcholine deoxycholate (PCDC) injections are delivered into the targeted treatment areas to dissolve stubborn fat. The most commonly treated areas are double chin, abdominal fat, love handles, bra fat, and more.

What to expect during the treatment:

PCDC will be injected in a series of shots, using a very small needle. Each treatment takes as little as 20 minutes with minimal downtime.

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